Monday, April 20, 2009

Hot Hot Hot

Saturday was our premier appearance at the DePortola Kindergarten Boutique. It was the culmination of months and weeks and days and hours of work on Amy's part. I'd say 75+ vendors and $6800+ for the Kindergarten made the event a huge success.

Customer foot traffic was slow, but steady, and we made a few sales - including taking 2 custom orders. Now I've got to get busy putting them together so Amy can photograph them prior to delivery.

The weather was relatively cooperative, although the heat made for an uncomfortable scenario for all the outside vendors. I was so, so, so happy we paid the extra for an inside booth. Sometimes being a wimp really pays off:)

As a side note, in preparation for the boutique I made a new piece - "SNARKY". But I screwed it up when I punched the hole for the bail on the bottom of the pendant instead of the top. I didn't want to scrap the silver, so instead, I altered the pendant by adding a small peridot dangle. I liked it so much I wore it the day of the boutique. While we don't currently have any pieces that feature gemstone or crystal dangles I figured wearing the piece could only diversify our collection and hopefully appeal to a broader audience. I think it worked, considering one of our custom pieces will feature a crystal dangle.

Pictures to follow.

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